Sunday, January 15, 2012

More bread stuff...

You can juggle the basic ratio a bit for different results. For example for flat bread or pizza dough you don’t want as much rise so you drop the yeast amount and add some oil.

You can shape the dough a hundred different ways. Braid it, make rolls, or make a boule, a round ball perfectly suited for your Dutch oven. After the last rise score the top with a few slashes to help it expand and pour the coals to it.

Another nice thing about Dutch ovens...If you want a hard crust like on a loaf of French bread or sourdough bread the Dutch oven provides the steam because the oven with a tight fitting lid keeps most of the water.

Sunday, January 8, 2012


Most bread recipes call for letting the dough rise twice. If you want bread with larger bubbles after it is baked, like pizza dough, let it rise just once but to more than double in bulk. If you want a very fine textured product, let it rise three times to less than double each time.Although most recipes tell you to let it rise until it doubles, for most white bread I limit the first rise to less than that in a warm draft-free place. This helps keep the whole bowl at the same temperature. 

For the second rise I spray the Dutch oven, put the lid on, and let it double
When I put the dough ball in for the first rise, I spray the bowl first with Pam, put the dough in the bowl and spray the dough as well. Then I put a piece of plastic wrap over the dough itself and cover the bowl with the traditional towel.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Wheat Flour

What distinguishes wheat flour from other flours like potato or oat flour?
It contains gluten. 
Without delving to far into the chemistry gluten is a protein that provides bread dough elasticity, making flour stretch without breaking. This enables the flour to trap the carbon dioxide bubbles that yeast releases. When you knead bread dough work it long enough to cause plenty of elasticity, i.e., the dough ball will be a bit rubbery. This causes the dough to rise. Voila! Bread!
When I make bread, I use bread or, better still, bread machine flour, it has higher gluten content.